Liberty Training Horses Spain

Liberty Training Horses Spain

Liberty training with Horses is for anyone of any age and any experience.

When the horse is permitted to leave or not participate without negative consequences to them, the horse begins a very truthful dialogue on how they feel about being with the handler. Every detail of Liberty training must be positive in order to progress with your horse. This means that your horse must prefer being with you over everything else.

Liberty training – Christina from Denmark and Ojen


Liberty training with Horses

liberty-training-with-horses-spain-marbella-malagaLearn to be present, read your horse’s body language, energy and intention to communicate with horses. Are you looking for a deep connection and better communication with horses? Would you like to learn a method that creates a strong bond and saves you time so you can spend more time enjoying your horse and less time struggling?

The Liberty handler wants every moment and every detail with the horse to contribute to the relationship in a meaningful way, even if the activity is passive. In Liberty training you must keep it stimulating, you must change it up, you must keep your sessions short and fun! You must be more interesting to the horse than what’s going on outside the fence. Being with you must feel better than being away from you. This can be more challenging than you first think.

This is what Christina wrote to me:  Hej Mia! Ja det var rigtig hyggeligt! ? tak for din stemme modtagelse og for muligheden for at lege lidt med Ojen. ❤ han er godt nok skøn ?


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