Horseback Riding Holiday Costa del Sol

Horseback riding Holiday Costa del Sol

Cia riding Atos – 10 year old P.R.E. stallion training Grand Prix level.


Welcome to enjoy my Classical dressage in Spain. I promise to give many unforgettable experiences and a new way to communicate with horses. Classical Dressage is about trying to be as perfect as possible, to have a real connection with the horse and control and awareness of your own body as well as of the horse.

Horses recognize if your ribs are collapsed, how you breathe. They read energy and body language. Buddhism says 50% of your state of mind is posture. Try my core/yoga practice.

We usually start with work in hand including communication, relaxation, breathing and harmony with your horse. This will make you aware of all movements, shoulder in, haunches in etc. and therefore be easier for you to perform later. Once ready to mount the horse we focus on the rider´s and horse´s body  awareness. Doing the movements slowly enables you to feel the exact position of both hindlegs. When initiating trot and canter the ultimate goal is to maintain these paces without  rider or horse becoming tensed or stressed.riding-holiday-spain

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