Leadership with horses Malaga – Spain

Leadership with horses Malaga – Spain


Improve your leadership skills at Costa el Sol

Leadership is not so much about what we say, it is more about  how we say it. How we lead, how we are perceived, how we are received. Are we aware of our body language, our attitude and our tone of voice? Do we care and have empathy? Any relationship could benefit from paying more attention to body language. Horses do not speak with words, they use bodylanguage and energy to communicate. Therefore they are experts in a field where most of us are groping in the dark.  A horse doesn´t care about our title or position, it gives us an honest and immediate feedback regardless of who we are. The horse gives us the opportunity to look at our communication from another perspective and can initiate profound change in one day.

Leadership with Horses

Team effectiveness and organizational capacity.

How many of you are on teams at work? Even if you’re a soloepreneur you need to act like a team member with a vendor or a client. Remember that communication is the single most important factor in successful teamwork. Relationship is primary in the herd – it is based on trust, clear communication, and the importance of each horse’s place in th herd. Relationships still form the basis for working together, and the relationship is becoming harder to manage in this new digital age.

Leadership and Communication with horses.

Horses detect and expose every nuance in our personality and will tirelessly tell us about it. The horse will react to Natural Horsemanship Dressage Spain Fuengirolaus exactly as we present ourself, reflecting our leadership style, how it’s perceived and received. Power is not an option, earn the authority to lead and our effort is rewarded. The horse directly mirrors a person’s outward manner of leading and their internal attitude. It is not about horsemanship, nor do you ride the horse. Mia Isacsson´s leadership with horses will have the opportunity to clarify your vision, embody your commitment, awareness of bodylanguage, expand your natural ability, be aware of unspoken feelings,  team effectiveness and organizational capacity. The insights and skill-building practices are dramatic and transformative.

Working with your leadership with horses is a great startup any corporate conference, a workplace meeting or as a teambuilding activity. It is also perfect for private consultation, personal development together with coaching.

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