Sound Massage

As a certified Peter Hess® Sound Massage practitioner I welcome you to enjoy a relaxing sound session. 

The session typically starts with the client lying down comfortably on a massage table, fully clothed. Each session is tailor-made to suit the needs of the client. I highly recommend the combination of sound sessions and coaching sessions. Tibetian singing bowls are placed  on or around the body, often on specific energy centres or chakras, and  played with a mallet. The resonant sounds and vibrations emitted by the singing bowls are thought to gently balance and harmonise the body’s energy, facilitating relaxation and a sense of inner calm. The vibrations and frequencies produced are said to penetrate deeply into the body, helping to release tension, reduce stress, and induce a meditative state. This is a relaxing treatment.  Although it has proven to be good for prevention it is not proven to cure any diseases. It is not ment to replace regular medical care. Please let me know if you have any medical issue.  

Tibetan singing bowls originated in the Buddhist tradition and have been used for almost 3,000 years by the monks and priests of the temples. They were traditionally made out of seven different metals- gold, silver, iron, mercury, tin, copper, and lead, each representing a different planet or celestial body. The Peter Hess sound massage has been developed during more than 40 years to fit the western world. It is based on the principle of the ‘Less is More’ approach and offers a unique deep relaxation therapy solution via the healing frequencies and vibrations which are achieved by gentle tapping method and singing bowls. In Germany, research into the science of sound and its impact on the human body is rapidly advancing and the use of Sound Massage as a complementary therapy in mainstream healthcare is greatly increasing. 

The Benefits of Sound Massage

Sound massage has many positive effects for those with imbalances, but it’s also beneficial to those who are healthy. The properties of sound healing help to reduce stress and tension, promote relaxation, and balance the mind and body. Some of the benefits of sound massage include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Promoting deep relaxation
  • Relieving pain and muscle tension
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Enhancing creativity and intuition
  • Balancing the chakras and energy flow